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Gold Price Calculation

Gold Price Calculation

Each sector has its own specific language and dynamics. Products and services are valued in their own dynamics.

The jewellery sector in itself is divided into very different subdivisions and service areas. This branching and compartmentalization involves a tailored system of mathematics and accounts in each product or service while bringing different products and services to our side.

There are two things that are standard for the entire industry, no matter how much the industry has a range of very broad subdivisions on the basis of product and service. These are; "Has Golden Dry," which is the base price for calculation, and "Labor," which refers to labor and gain.
Recent consumers are making errors in the calculation of gold and derivative products they buy or sell because they unfortunately don't know these issues, which are private to the business. Miscalculations often confront shopkeepers. The worst part is, he has a negative opinion about the tradesman doing his job right, and he scratches over the tradesman or the store.

All gold products have two considerations included in the account. These are the value of gold and the value of craftsmanship. In order to calculate the gold value, we have to convert the purity of the product to gold (1000/1000) and price it on the original gold dry.

Because gold products are in different settings, each setting has a purity rating. These purity ratings are also multiplied by the libra weights of the products, allowing for specific counterparts of the products. According to the best-selling products, the multipliers are as follows.
24-carat products product gram X 0.995
22-carat products product gram X 0.916
18-carat products product gram X 0.750
14-carat products product gram X 0.585
08-setting products product gram X 0.333

The labor value account differs from the market where the product is sold. Domestic markets have a billionth-denominated upload to the gram of the product, while overseas sales have a gram of the product loading in US dollars.

Craftsmanship + earnings upload made in billions adds to the product's purity rating and is included in the product's specific value account. TL-based price is multiplied by instant dry.

Suppose you get a 5.50g 14-carat ring, for example. The craftsmanship value of the product is 0.050 billion and the current sale is 1,050 TL. In that case, our account will be as follows.

Product gram X (Purity rating + labor) X Has Sales Dry = Price TL
5.50g X (0.585 + 0.050) X 1050 = $3,667

Unfortunately, some customers who are unaware of this math are mistaken for calculating the prices they see on screens by multiplying the grams of products they have or want to buy.

When you want to sell your products to jewelers, the mantality is the same, but a different calculation is made, only by calculating the gold value, the labor is canceled.
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