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AgaKulche Is 1 Year Old

AgaKulche Is 1 Year Old

With more than a hundred products we put on sale, we rank in the top three across all product lines among sellers. Of course, that‘s not the end. We still have a lot of work to do. We continue to work with confidence, delivering new products, new experiences for our customers.

In conjunction with October 2022, we have included our own nugget gold, branded AgaKulche, alongside mini bullion products belonging to LBMA refineries (IAR, Rare Metal, Valcambi, Argor, Heraeus, etc.).

Starting at 995/1000 purity 0.5 grams, we brought our products consisting of 1g, 2.5g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 1 Ons, 50g and 100g to our customers‘ service.
Ürünlerimizden1 ounces (31.10g) will be on the market as a different product. The ounce of gold commonly found in overseas markets is very unknown in our country. So we wanted to go for differentiation in products by filling that gap with ounces.

We will soon be launching other brand gold bullion sales of choice in the markets.

Sales of bracelets and silver bullion products are also continuing with a rising momentum.

On our trade page, it became easy to reach all our products. We also have Mint products and mint commemorative coins and international commemorative coins on our e-commerce page.

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