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How Many Grams of Quarter Gold? Difference Between Gram Gold and Quarter Gold?

How Many Grams of Quarter Gold? Difference Between Gram Gold and Quarter Gold?

In this article, we will examine the differences between quarter gold and gram gold in detail. Gram gold, or GAU, is considered as 24 carat gold. Those who are new to investing in gold ask a lot of questions about the difference between quarter and gram gold. We will help you decide which gold is more suitable for you by explaining the advantages and usage areas of both types of gold. Important Note: This comparison is not based on 1 gram of 22 carat gold, which is offered as a more economical gift option today. The comparison was made between 24 carat pure gold and 22 carat quarter gold.

 How Many Grams is 1 Quarter Gold?

Quarter gold is one of the most frequently preferred gold types in Turkey. The properties of quarter gold are as follows: Weight: 1.75 grams Net Gold Content: 1.6065 grams Diameter: Approx. 18 mm Quarter gold is generally preferred as a gift at weddings, engagements and special occasions. It is also a popular option for small investments.

Difference Between Quarter Gold and Gram Gold The differences between quarter gold and gram gold are evident in terms of both physical properties and usage areas. Here are the details of these differences: Physical Differences Weight: Gram gold, as the name suggests, is 1 gram of pure gold, the gold content is between 0.995 - 0.999. How many grams is 1 quarter? The question can be answered with both general weight and pure gold weight. A quarter gold is 1.75 grams but the net gold content is 1.6065 grams. Size: Quarter gold has a larger and showier structure, while gram gold is smaller. Areas of Use Investment: Gram gold is a more transparent investment tool for investors due to its pure gold content. Its price is directly linked to the gold exchange and can be calculated more easily. Gift: Quarter gold is preferred as a gift, especially at weddings and special occasions. It is more common to use it as jewelry. Pricing Gram Gold: The price of gram gold is determined according to current gold prices and provides a clear value. Quarter Gold: The price of quarter gold is found by converting 22 carat gold into 24 carat and then calculating its gram equivalent. Therefore, it is priced higher than gram gold.

Advantages Gram Gold: Ideal for investment due to lower labor costs and pure gold content. Quarter Gold: It is a meaningful and flashy option as a gift. Quarter gold and gram gold have varying properties according to different purposes and preferences. While gram gold may be more advantageous for those who want to invest, quarter gold may be preferred as a gift. Both types of gold have their own advantages and it is important for buyers to choose according to their needs.

If you are considering investing in gold, you should not forget that AgaKulche, the brand of AgaBullion, offers precious metal investment solutions with the latest technology and reliability. AgaBullion has unparalleled expertise and experience across the entire precious metals supply chain in local and global markets. This includes financial institutions, central banks, government agencies, well-delivery certified refineries, wholesale and retail jewelers, investors and more. They stand out for their commitment to business excellence, thought leadership, innovation and compliance with globally accepted best practices. You can benefit from our wide range of products through AgaKulche‘s online store. We are the only online platform in Turkey that sells international legal tender coins and 1 kg gold bullion from LBMA‘s London Good Delivery approved refineries. Please contact us for more information and investment solutions.

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