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Ring / Bracelet Measurement Systems

Ring / Bracelet Measurement Systems

The person who will get the ring must use the model he likes by having it properly.

Ring size systems may vary across the country. Finger sizes starting from the number 1 formed vary between 1 and 36 numbers. There may be exception sizes above the 36 number. The average size for women is between 14-15, and the weight between 8 and 18 is known as female sizes. For men, the average size is 21-22, and the weight between 18 and 28 is the adjustment for men‘s ring sizes. Of course, as an exception, it is possible to come across a men‘s size under 18 and a women‘s size over 18.

European countries and abroad have a different standard from our measurements. Numbering, which starts with 1 measure in our country, starts from 41 measures, which corresponds to 1 measure in our country, and goes up to 76 measures.

Especially when it comes to a measurement with the foreign measurement system, sometimes it can be confused. In such a case, it is possible to easily find out what it corresponds to in our measurement system by deducting -40 from the incoming measurement. For example, if a customer expresses that his size is 54, we can understand that the finger size is 14 according to our measurement system with the operation 54 - 40 =14.

There are different ways to take finger measurements. The most well-known of these are the ring rings available in jewelers and the measurement made with mandrels. While the mandrel is used to determine the size of the existing rings, the ring rings provide the determination of your finger size by determining the ring that directly corresponds to your finger.

Finger sizes change over time. As the person gets older and gains weight, the finger size will also change. Finger sizes increase before marriage and especially after birth in women. In addition, those who lose excess weight will have a reduction in finger sizes.

Again, finger sizes vary between summer and winter depending on the person, but they can vary between half a measure and one measure. When taking measurements, if the weather is very cold, the finger size will decrease a little due to the blood drawn on the fingers. Then, when entering a warm environment, the fingers swell and the ring finger begins to tighten. For this reason, when taking measurements on very cold and very hot days, a difference of half a measure in the +- direction should be put.

For example, when taking measurements in winter, a half size larger adjustment should be made, taking into account the writing.

In addition, there are techniques made by measuring the circumference of the finger with a rope in the home environment. However, these techniques have a very high margin of error. Again, if you do not know the size of your current ring at home, it is possible to reach a conclusion by measuring the inner diameter of the ring part of your ring with a ruler.

The same is true for products such as bracelets and bracelets. Due to the wrist thickness and hand structures that vary from person to person, the preferred models should be adjusted according to the wrist size.

It is possible to measure the bracelet by using the bracelet mandrel, just like the ring. The dimensions expressing the diameter of the bracelet in mm vary between 56 and 72 for bracelets.

Depending on the finger and wrist sizes that change over time, adjustments can be made to the sizes of the products you have. However, it is very important that the people who will do this operation are experts in the job. Persons who are not inclined may damage the product or its precious stones while performing a simple operation, or prepare the environment for the stones to fall.

For this reason, you should definitely have these transactions done by the tradesmen you know.

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