Sarrafi Production Increased in 2022

The demand for these products, which are bought and sold with great interest by the majority of our people, continues to increase despite the introduction of many alternatives.
The actual values of jewelery and coin group products on a unit basis in the last four years are as follows;

Although the production number will be 16,981,863 with an increase of 17% in 2022, it is still far below that of 2020. While production volumes reached their peak in 2020, the year the pandemic started, the recovery process in the past two years is still far from the peak year. In 2022, in the jewelry group, quarter and quarter gold took the lion‘s share with 87%, while in the coin group, quarter gold took the lion‘s share with 89%. When we look at the total grammage of the products produced in 2022, it is seen that the increase rate in the last year is 27%. Particularly in this change, the production of ornaments, which increased by 29%, coins, which increased by 56%, and coins, which increased by 86%, play an important role.